Extending the reach of our church through the provision of offices, space and facilities to various Christian ministries, missions and organizations to enable them to do what they do best.

When the church relocated from its previous position in Vulture Street, South Brisbane, we immediately were blessed with more space, offices and meeting rooms than our church alone could use. Consequently, it has been part of our vision to establish a "hub" of Christian ministries and missions, enabling each to operate out of their own designated offices and with extended access to many other rooms and facilities. We are thrilled to be able to partner with these groups to help them do what they do so well.

​​The groups below are a part of The HUB. You can find out more about each one by clicking on the group's website link.

Power to Change (formerly known as Student Life and Campus Crusade for Christ) is part of an international network that helps people connect with Jesus and each other. Power to Change is very active in working on university and college campuses around Australia, and has its national headquarters here in The HUB.
For more: https://www.powertochange.org.au/

OMF International (formerly the China Inland Mission and Overseas Missionary Fellowship), was founded by James Hudson Taylor in 1865. OMF serves the church and brings the gospel to many of the countries in East Asia. The Qld and NT headquarters of OMF are based in The HUB centre here at Church@TheGabba.
For more: https://omf.org/australia/


Hope Alive Australia provides Counselling, Training, Education and Research specifically designed to heal men and women impacted by childhood neglect and abuse and/or unresolved pregnancy losses including abortion. Hope Alive Australia has its Brisbane base in The HUB centre.
For more: http://www.hopealiveaustralia.com.au/

Reach Across ​is dedicated to sharing the Gospel with Muslims and serving them in practical ways. We are passionate about bringing the Word of God and the practical love of Jesus to unreached Muslims, no matter how difficult or inaccessible they may be. We hope you will consider partnering with us!
For more: www/reachacross.org.au